NFS Hot Pursuit Remastered

Shot by originalnicodr


Feature Supported
Vanilla Photo Mode Yes
Hotsampling No
Custom Aspect Ratios No
Reshade Yes
Ansel No
Graphics API DirectX 11


Photo Mode controls

To enable vanilla photo mode, you need to pause and open the photomode in the menu.

Command Keyboard - Controller
Move Camera W,A,S,D - <
Up/Down Space Bar/Left Alt - { / }
Rotate Camera Arrows - >
Zoom In/Out R/F - W / X
Tilt Left/Right Q/E - [ / ]
Toggle PM UI Tab - Press <

Tips and Tricks

  • The photomode also provides some effects, like being able to edit the brightness, contrast, and motion blur.
  • The game has a lot of shaders (vignette, tonemapping, motion blur, lens flare) melted into a single shader, so turning it off might not be recommended (if you even find it, since it sometimes changes hash, the reason why I didn't include it in the shader toggler file).